Martha Van Berkel Robin Allenson Dateme Tubotamuno #SEOisAEO BrightonSEO

Martha Van Berkel, Robin Allenson and Dateme Tubotamuno with Jason Barnard at BrightonSEO September 2019

Martha Van Berkel, Robin Allenson and Dateme Tubotamuno talk with Jason Barnard (The Brand SERP Guy) about structured data, ontologies and commonsense Knowledge Graphs.

Three amazingly intelligent and eloquent people help me understand rather a lot of concepts, Martha Van Berkel, Robin Allenson and Dateme Tubotamuno. What is a common sense Knowledge Graph? Using structured data to manage your data layer. Ontologies are containers full of entities that have relationships (use triples !!!). Lots of philosophy around computer science – specifically ontologies. Entity management is the future (thanks, Greg Gifford). We are all becoming data architects. Three levels of knowledge. Databases expressing opinions. How semantics help sell t-shirt bras. Manage your brand for machines (not just search !). And rather a lot more… Amazing.

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